Disposable Chopstick Waste

In this infographic, I tell about the popular utensil disposable chopsticks and its environmental effects. Disposable Chopstick Waste Every year, 80 billion pairs of chopsticks are thrown away. Without you knowing, this has gigantic consequences on the environment. The Problem … Continued

What you Must Know About Antibiotics and Superbugs

Hello! In this infographic, I talk about antibiotics and the uprising threat of super bacteria. What you Must Know About Antibiotics and Superbugs What are Antibiotics? Antibiotics or antibacterials are a type of antimicrobial designed to kill or neutralize bacterial … Continued

Indoor Plants – Reasons why you Should grow Plants Indoors Infographic

Why you Should grow Plants Indoors Hello world! This is my infographic on the benefits of indoor plants. Hope you enjoy! Indoor Plants: Here are reasons why you should grow plants indoors! Plants remove Co2 during photosynthesis and release oxygen. … Continued