Fruit Juice: How Healthy is it?

In this infographic, I tell how different types of fruit juice are made and how healthy it is compared to whole fruit.

Fruit Juice: How Healthy is it?

Fruit juice has been a staple drink for thousands of years, & known for being “healthy.” How is it made? Is it healthy?

How it’s Made:

  1. Squeezing: strips of all fiber
  2. Pasteurization: kills bacteria & helpful enzymes.
    • Vaporization: water evaporated, juice concentrate left
    • Storage: oxygen extracted, removes flavor & most nutrients
    • Water added: the concentrate is diluted
    • Flavor packs: paste made of fruit leftovers is added to give juice its “natural” flavor


  • Unprocessed juice: a drink with most nutrients & enzymes intake.
  • Concentrated juice: a drink with flavor, sugar, & water (added vitamins & minerals)
  • Processed juice: a drink with flavor, sugar, & water (added vitamins, minerals, pulp)


Fruit Juice: Benefits and Disbenefits

Unprocessed juice benefits
  1. Higher mineral, vitamin, & enzyme content, easier to digest.
  2. Fruit juice can help achieve the daily fruit intake. (1.1 dl of 100% fruit juice is already 1 serving of fruit)
All Types of Juice Disbenefits
  1. Juice contains a lot of kilocalories:
    1. 1 fruit juice box has: 108 kcal
    2. 1 orange has: 60 kcal
  2. Juice has little to no fiber:
    1. The amount of sugar in juice is the same as in soda! (4 dl juice: 36 g sugar, 1 can soda: 33 g sugar)
    2. The sugar will be digested instantly.
    3. Your blood sugar spikes, shortly collapsing
    4. Juice will NOT make you feel full, it will make hungrier.
    5. Diabetes, liver damage & obesity risks increase.

Sugar from fruit only = Normal table sugar!

Fruit: Benefits and Disbenefits

  1. Fruit has fiber, the decisive health benefit
    • You’ll feel full quickly and for a longer time
      • Gives a constant source of energy
    • Sugar release is slow
    • Higher antioxidant and enzyme content
    • Decreased chance of obesity, diabetes, inflammation, cancer, etc.
  2. Fruit has fewer kilocalories than juice:
    • 1 banana has: 105 kcal, 3 g fiber, 14 g sugar
    • 1 fruit juice box has: 108 kcal, 0 g fiber, 18 g sugar
  1. Due to fruit being so healthy, almost little to no disbenefits exist for fruit if consumed accordingly.


Eating fruit is much better than drinking fruit juice. Even though juice has some benefits, the disbenefits overweight them.
However, if you want to continue drinking juice, follow these steps:
  1. Add vegetables
    • Blend your own juices & add vegetables to lower calorie & sugar count
  2. Avoid at any cost concentrated or processed juice

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