Indoor Plants – Reasons why you Should grow Plants Indoors Infographic

Why you Should grow Plants Indoors

Hello world! This is my infographic on the benefits of indoor plants. Hope you enjoy!


Indoor Plants: Here are reasons why you should grow plants indoors!

Plants remove Co2 during photosynthesis and release oxygen. Excess Co2 can cause fatigue and drowsiness. Oxygen does the opposite, keeping us awake and alert.

Plants take in toxic vapors. Extensive research by NASA has shown that both the leaves and roots of a plant can take in carbon monoxide and VOCs like benzene and formaldehyde harmful to humans.

Plants can decrease colds, headaches, coughs, sore throats, flu, and flu-like symptoms, by more than 30%, suggests research by the Agricultural University of Norway.

During the night, most plants exert co2, but plants like orchids, succulents, and epiphytic bromeliads release oxygen during the night, refreshing the air.

Plants humidify the air by releasing water vapor that moisturizes skin and lowers dust in the air.

Multiple studies have also shown that plants lower background noise by absorbing, diffracting or reflecting background noise.

Multiple studies have shown that patients that saw plants recover quicker. Those patients had lower: systolic heartbeat, ratings of pain, anxiety, and fatigue.

Plants are also known to increase happiness and decrease stress.

Finally, a number of studies have proven that students and workers that had plants in present had improved:

Creativity: An experiment by Texas A&M University found that workers with two potted plants and a bouquet were 13% more creative than workers with sculptures.

Memory: The University of Michigan found that being next to plants improved recalling of memories by 20%.

Concentration and Productivity.

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